
Parenting is Divine

The role of parents is divine! Each child comes to earth with a divine entitlement to parents who will rear them with love and righteousness. In The Family: A Proclamation to the World it says: “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.” The role of parents is to teach and love their children, not to merely train them to do what you want. This kind of result-based parenting is not good for child development or the general attitude of the parents themselves. In the pre-existence before this life, two plans for God’s children were proposed. Christ’s plan was to love each child and give them their agency, then test and observe to see what they would do with it. The adversary’s plan was to force each child to do the right thing. That is why this adverse method of parenting is...

A Mother's Education

Research has shown that married couples with dual income homes actually end up losing money instead of gaining more income. With all factors included that must be purchased in order to provide a second job for the wife, it results in a net loss for the household. This can provide a source of conflict, as most couples do decide to work because they wish to provide better educational and social opportunities  for their children, when in reality it does the opposite.  Children with mothers whose primary job is nurturing have typically have better outcomes emotionally and academically.  Now that this has been made clear, that it is better economically and developmentally (for the children) if mothers do not have jobs and instead stay home, the question remains, how important is it really for women who wish to start families and become mothers to receive college education and get degrees. This is a very important question to me, and I am currently a college student...

The Handling of Aggression

My dad was always so good at knowing how to handle angry people growing up. It seemed he could always say the right things in exactly the right tone of voice to get the aggressor to calm down and see his point of view. In fact, I most often remember him using his impressive calming powers on myself. I would be fired up and looking for a fight, but after a talk from my dad the anger turned into a peace like feeling and I felt a strong desire to resolve the situation. See, what my dad really was good at was controlling the situation. By saying the correct things at the right times, in the right ways, he had the aggressor’s entire reaction in his hands. It was incredible to witness. It wasn’t until years later, until this Family relations class, that I figured out how he did it, and that it had a name. My dad was a pro at the disarming technique. The disarming technique, also known as the five secrets of effective communication, is a way to metaphorically ‘disarm’ your verbal aggre...

Family Coping

To cope is to deal with something difficult. This is a relevant term to be familiar with in a life where things to be coped with are unavoidable. Trial are often viewed as problems to be coped through, especially in marriages and relationships. The main dilemma with this mindset is that the issues are merely lived through instead of dealt with. All marriages, and families, have their own distinct issues, and each is unique in their own way. Examples of trials in marriages are infertility, death, financial burdens and natural disasters. Because each family's issue is unique to them, their dynamics and situation, there is not a singular way for every family to cope with them. Husband and wife can however control the attitude they have when facing it. This is something that is entirely in their deposition to choose. When these issues are properly addressed and dealt with (again, how this is done is different for every family) they can have beautiful results. The fact of struggling t...

Sexual Conflict

Sex is most often a barometer of how a good a marriage really is. It is not, by far, the most important aspect of martial relationships, but the quality of marriages can be observed through the satisfaction of the sex life. It should be no surprise that the most complicated and personal aspect of relationships, physical intimacy, is better for couples who have good marriages then for those who are struggling. To understand the importance of sex in marriage, we must first analyze the differences in intimate systems between the genders, and how sex impacts each. Though the acts are physical, sexual relationships are primarily about connection between husband and wife, and the quality of said connection. However, each gender bonds with the other in very different ways, which can complicate the making of connections. For example, the woman’s primary form of connecting with men is through conversation and emotions. In fact, for women to have enjoyable sex, they must be connected wit...

Martial Adjustments

Marriage is something that, as college students who are also members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, seems to be the very pinnacle, the peak of our young lives and collegiate experience. We’ve all been waiting for the chance to get and be married since childhood and have had no lack of support in this anticipation. Sunday school lessons in church were riddled with “one day when you are married” and various advice for knowing who, how, and when to tie the knot. I’m sure every single young woman has been asked to create a list of qualities she would like in her future husband. We’ve essentially been training for this all through our youth. Just the thought of having a spouse has become extremely fantasized. So, what happens when it actually comes, and how well will the training pay off? Marriage is a huge adjustment. There are many compromises between husband and wife that must be made in their journey to become one person. Traditions must be changed, made or me...

Dating- The Ancient Art

Dating is now an ancient art. Asking a member of the opposite gender out on a formal date is a millennial dilemma, as it is much easier to simply invite someone to hang out. Why is hanging out so much better then dating? Well, for one thing, it can be much less stressful. There are no pressures of commitments to dress or act a certain way, and the participators can leave at any time they please. It also might help you get to know your significant other on a different level then dating, as you see them in a more casual light, among their family and friends and doing ordinary tasks. But with all the benefits ‘hanging out’ provide, along with how easy it is to instigate, it can have some pretty serious effects on romantic relationships. Let’s take the first aspect of hanging out- the casualness of both the invitation and the actual act itself. Asking someone to hangout is an extremely vague invitation, both in the relationship and the activity. Excessive amounts of hanging out, especi...